Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Part 1
First I will look into the dictionary and discover what I can there.
1.            A transitive verb…….gives up resentment <forgive an insult> …….grants relief of payment <forgive a debt> ……not feeling anger at the offender <forgive our enemies>
               This is the earthly idea of forgiveness. These words cover insult, debt and enemy wrongs but do not make reference to the divine.
               (a.) Insult: to do or say something that is offensive or shows a lack of respect. How can life be lived and be insult free? How can respect always be given? There is only one answer to these two questions……they can’t!
               (b.) Debt: the state of owing money or respect, allegiance and honor. Everyone has debt!
               (c.) Enemy: someone who hates, attacks, tries to harm, threatens or opponents in war. How can enemies stop being enemies?

This word (Forgiveness) offers solution to life’s most difficult situations. By eliminating insult, debt and enemies mankind solves countless problems. Forgiveness seems to require a great deal of inner strength and self-control. One must somehow erase insult, offence, debt, hate and hurt and proceed forward as if nothing happened. Can we do this? Can we put aside pain, insult and live together in peace? Is mankind even capable of this noble idea? The history of man is filled with glaring examples of destruction, domination and murder over insult, wars fought because of money, riches and resources and generational hate maintaining enemy status between nations. Why do we live like this? What do we gain? Why is forgiveness so rare? Are we humans dominated by selfish, I’m the only one that matters, ideas and emotions to the extent that we would eliminate other humans before we eliminate hate, insult or debt? It would seem so.    

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