Saturday, September 24, 2016

Sabbatical: Day 1

In a small boat with thirty four Pilgrims we sailed the Sea of Galilee. This sea is really just a big lake filled by the Jordan River. It is clean and beautiful and supplies most of the water to Israel. The sound of christian worship music (the same songs we sing at church) filled my ears as tears filled my eyes. I am in Israel, the land of Jesus, singing worship songs and almost overfilled with joy. Then our guide has the boat brought to a complete stop. He points to landmarks in many directions and shares the miracles that happened at each point. Then he points to the water on the south side of our boat and says: and this is where Jesus and Peter walked on the water. The scripture was read and the place became electric with the presence of God. Our guide pointed to the place where Jesus told his disciple to depart from, then to the place where they landed after he calmed the storm and we were in the middle of that path. I so wanted to jump over the side and walk on that water. Oh that my faith were stronger. 

The first stop was at the Mount of Beatitudes where we walked on the hillside and shared many of the blessings spoken by Jesus. This garden is filled with flowers, trees, birds and even green grass. The breeze coming in off the lake cooled the desert heat and the sound of a single voice flowed up the slope with perfect clarity. My strong voice rang like a church bell. Here is where Jesus taught us of his love, devotion to God and how we should view each other. As I looked around I saw people of every color, nationalities and faiths gathered on a hillside praising God and loving each other. I saw a picture of Heaven.

Next we went to Capernaum to an ancient Synagogue and the house of Peter. The restoration project here was in full swing. The stones are placed back into their position with great care. I was amazed at the thought of how the original workmen carved such intricate images with just a hammer and chisel of brass. How did they move these heavy stones? As I sat there I thought of home and my church, my place of worship and I sensed the same comfort, joy and presence of God. I sang out: "I'm so glad I'm a part of the family of God" and I felt the hand of God upon my head. God was there.

Did Jesus feed thousands with such a small amount of bread and fish? The Bible says he did, so, I believe he did. At the traditional site of this miracle (a place called Tabgha) our guide gave us a vivid word picture of the event. Each aspect of the Biblical account seemed to match this location. Then He shared how God was doing this type of miracle each day in the nation of Israel. The desert grows food, supports much comes out of so little. Little is much when God is involved.  

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