Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Sabbatical: Day 3

This is the day I was most excited about; being Baptized in the Jordan River. The sun was bright and the air had a hint of fragrance from the bogonvia. I was so excited that I forgot my water shoes and walked down the rocky path in my bare feet, yes it was painful but I thought of all the pain my Saviour went through for me. My sweet wife and I were baptized by Pastors John and Matthew Hagee, one on each side, her first and then  me. So much joy as I came up speaking in my Heavenly Prayer Language and knowing that I was making a statement to all around; I have been buried and resurrected into new life by Christ Jesus in the same river he was baptized in. WOW!

On to Caesarea; here we learned of all the hardship the Jewish people encountered when returning to Israel and a reminder of what they went through in Germany. This was the Roman capitol of Judea. Conflict and death flowed out of this place to many Jewish people. The reconstruction is an on-going process but gives me clear understanding of how the people lived. Homes were quite small for the common citizen. Most rooms were about twelve by twelve feet with one family to a room. I live in a palace by these standards. 

Today is our first time into Jerusalem. We enter with a prayer of blessing upon the city and all that enter there. The feeling I experienced was as if the Lord had put his arm around my shoulder and was personally walking at my side. We walked several blocks through the Arab market full of busy people preparing for the Sabbath, merchants calling out to us of their special prices for Americans, many welcoming hand shakes and friendly "Shalom", then into the home of a Rabbi Daniel Sperber in the heart of the old city. His wife gave us fruit and juice to refresh us as we waited for time to light the Sabbath candles. We were invited to roam the house, terrace garden, library and even to go out on the roof for a view of the western wall. I felt as welcome in this home as if I were a member of the family. We gathered in the parlor as the candles were lit and prayed for peaceful Sabbath. As I lit my candle, my one small light, I understood..."let your light so shine".  I can make a difference in this dark world of hate and pain, war and separation.....just by shining my light, my one small light. 

I will finish day three tomorrow....I must go for now....about my Father's business.   

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